Beginners mostly prefer variables over arrays, usually because they dont know the real power of array and they end up wasting time storing bunch of items in tens of variables whereas they can use an array and store all those into one variable
Why people use variables than array
Most programmers when starting out learn how to create variables to store information in as a way to make their program more dynamic. However, when they start writing a program, they soon find themselves using lots of variables for the same datatype which results in a waste of time and memory, then they say to themselves, “There has to be a better way.” If they are smart enough and love to research and update their programming, they will turn to using arrays. Arrays are a complex data structure compared to variables but once the progammer gets the hang of it he will be using it all the time for storing same datatype items. (btw in this blog post: I have explained arrays in detail and you can learn it right away)
Difference between arrays and variables
These are two data types used for storing data in programs. Variables are containers used for storing a single data item in a program. Arrays are containers used for storing multiple data items in a program. An array can store many items of the same data type in one single array variable. For example, you can store a list of names in an array. Each name is a separate item.
A variable is a named location in the computer’s memory used to store data. A variable can hold a value of a specific data type and An array too can hold a multiple values of a specific data type. A variable and an array name can be almost any meaningful name.
Preferring variables over array
There are, however, some reasons why you should use variables rather than arrays. If you have a relatively small amount of data that needs to be stored in the program, then using an array would only be a waste of time. You may be better off using a variable, even though the data could easily be stored in an array. The choice between using a variable or an array, however, is primarily a matter of how the data will be used in the program.
Power of array over variables
Variables are great for storing one data item, but arrays are better for storing a group of items. When you work with variables, you must use their names as pointers to the data items they contain. This can result in a lot of typing and make things more complicated. When you work with arrays, you can access each item by simply referring to its position in the array. This makes the overall process much smoother and easier to handle. In conclusion, arrays have more advantages than variables; however, variables are more appropriate when working with a small amount of data. When you are just starting out, you may want to use variables more often than arrays; however, as you gain more experience, you will get on to using arrays regularly.
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