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TCP stands for "Transmission Control Protocol." it is the special way in which computers talk, communicate and share information. in simple words TCP is used by computers to send and recieve data. Now comes in TCP connections. TCP connection is established between two computers when they want to talk and communicate i.e they want to share data.

In TCP connections there are servers and clients, Imagine the client as a person who wants to ask for something, and the server as the person who provides what the client needs. Clients send requests to the server, asking for information or help. The server, on the other hand, receives the client's request and provides the requested information or service.

Before the client and server start exchanging information, they perform a special handshake. It's like when you meet someone new and say "hello" before you start talking. the client sends the request to establish connection, the server checks it and acknowledges it and allows the communication to begin. Once the handshake is complete, the client and server can start sending data back and forth. the data could be anything, pictures, videos or even text.

thats how TCP works.


UDP stands for "User Datagram Protocol." it is another special way in which computers talk to each other. just like TCP, UDP helps computers send and recieve data. However, UDP works a little differently than TCP and we will see how. Unlike TCP, UDP doesn't establish a connection between two systems and doesnt wait for acknowledgements between the clients and servers. When one computer sends data using UDP, it doesn't wait for a response from the other computer. It just sends the message and hopes it reaches its destination.

in the case of clients and servers, in UDP clients requests for information and the server just sends the requested information, now this system is fast and simple, why? because there is no need to acknowledge and authenticate the client, hence it can send data more quickly. Now unlike TCP, UDP doesn't guarantee that the message will reach its destination. It's like throwing a message in a bottle into the sea; you hope someone finds it, but there's a chance it might get lost or damaged along the way.


if we compare TCP and UDP, TCP is slower than UDP in speed but TCP far more securer as it authenticates clients unlike UDP which is fast but does not verify.


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