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So things began when I started my O'levels. we started studying computer science which I literally loved. At that time I was just finding a simple project to enhance my skill in python. I already had some basic understanding about python's syntax, I gained that through watching YouTube videos of course. Out of nowhere while again watching YouTube vids I came across this channel called Dani and another called polymars these guys were expert in game development and I thought I could do that too.

I was 16 at that time and I just started searching beginner game dev ideas in python and I had this Idea of snake game. It looked like a huge project considering my little knowledge about coding and programming. However I went on and started searching 'how to code snake in python'. I read articles and stuff and got this initial understanding that python has modules and I will be using pygame.
That was it I started reading pygame docs...….but to legit no use because I was not able to understand a bit I read in its docs and hence I went on to my old buddy YouTube and started watching pygame tutorials and it took me a week to just initialize a screen in pygame and add a 2D square in the middle. After setting up I had to stop my exams were near and I had to study.
A month later when I got back I had legit no idea about what I had written in the code and how the heck was it even showing a square up on the screen. it was a clear indication that I had to read articles and watch vids again. nevertheless in less than 3 days I knew everything and was moving forward now. next thing was to simply add inputs so that my square snake could move. It was pretty simple and I was able to move on to create a smaller box on the screen I defined as snake's food. now I felt that I was progressing. the next thing I did was to randomize the position of the food. After research I did that by using random module of python. at this time as soon as I launched the game the food was randomly placed and my snake was placed in the center and was able to move in all directions. after this I again lost interest in development and got back to studying.
It was the mid of second year of O'levels and I showed my game to my best friend in school and my Computer's Teacher both of them were fascinated and my sir appreciated me which turned out to be a motivation and I got back to the development. little did I knew, things got freaking worse I mean now I had to do two things one to make the snake eat the food which was a not that big of a problem because it was just that as soon as snake's x and y coordinates were same as the x and y coordinates of the food I added the food randomization line so at that instant the food would again be randomly placed and also add 1 to the score value. It was still not a problem. The real issue was to make the snake's length grow as soon as it ate. now growing its length was something like I made snake's body a list and appended his head again and again into it as it ate and added those blocks at his back constantly something like that and I had a growing snake (this logic was not mine i simply copied the code haha..). 
fast forward to O3 and I had again forgotten the game and was studying hard for my final cies I don't know why, but this time I started development as soon as cies started and continued development throughout. But the thing was that during those hard study sessions I found that I was loving development so as little time I got between those days and nights I continued building game and things were not simpler....Because in one month of cies I built two menus for the game designed its art including buttons and title. Also developed a function to store and show new highscores for the game. and yeah the game was complete.
what started as a simple project turned out to be a professional game with menus, art, music and gameplay! 
It took three years of olevels and was completed on 26th may 2022. A day before my Maths cie and immediately I created an page. you can visit it and download my game here: 


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